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If you publish videos on TikTok, you know: it’s a very demanding social network. Uniqueizing an image means making it unique to the algorithms and validation scripts. This is necessary because social media algorithms can recognize visual content and block ads if it’s not original. It is very easy to get shadow-banned for non-unique content.

In this article, we will tell you how to create unique creatives with the help of various bots and editors.

How does TikTok check the uniqueness of content?

The social network checks videos in two stages:

  1. Automatic. Algorithms automatically filter videos that clearly violate the rules of the platform.
  2. Manual. Moderators identify hidden violations.

Automatic algorithms check videos for uniqueness through:

Metadata (EXIF), which includes information about the video’s creation date, device, and other technical parameters.

Hash sums, unique digital fingerprints used to verify data. TikTok uses firmware for this purpose.

Clip content. Everything about the video and audio track.

Pros and cons of uniqueization

  • Easier moderation. A new file for the site is less likely to be rejected by the site;
  • Longer life of creative and RC. Uniqueized creative is longer checked by moderation than the one that has already entered the Facebook database;
  • Higher trust to the new file;
  • No mass bans. Uniques are not linked to other creos by their metadata and visuals.

Uniqueization has disadvantages:

  • Creative cannot be unique indefinitely. Algorithms of advertising platforms sooner or later will realize that you fog their heads;
  • Even the use of uniqueness does not give a hundred percent guarantee of passing moderation.

Video unikalizers for TikTok

Services and software that can be useful to you for the uniqueization of creatives. For convenience, all of them are divided into categories.

Video editors for manual uniqueization

  • Adobe Premiere Pro is one of the best editors of professional level. It is even used for editing 
  • movies, so the tool is indispensable for unique creo. Paid, but no one canceled free versions from torrent;
  • FFMPeg – library for video processing. There are any scripts for editing;
  • Video editor from 123Apps – there is everything you need for manual processing of creatives. There is also a screen recording and video merging tool here on the site;
  • Canva – on the Free-tariff you can use for free. There are all the chips you need for manual uniqueization;
  • InShot – an app for Android. It will come in handy to edit videos right on your phone. Works with both pictures and videos;
  • iMovie – a similar app, only for iOS. Will be needed if you want to process and upload creatives right from your iPhone.

Telegram bots

  • @PhotoVideoUniq_bot – a bot that cleans EXIF data and adds invisible elements to videos;
  • @apps4you_uniqbot – does the same thing, the only difference is the interface;
  • Affiliate Pharmacy – a bot where they plan to roll out a creo uniqueization feature specifically for Tik Tok starting in August.

Services for batch and auto-uniqueization

These are services that help unique creatives “in batches”. Or just automatically, in the online mode.

  • Uniqueizer from Offerrum – works with photos and videos. It accepts video creatives in mp4 format only;
  • Uniqueizer from NPRTeam – accepts only pictures, but we decided to keep it. Slideshows and photos in Tic Toc are needed, too. Plus, there’s batch uniqueization, where you set the settings manually;
  • Handbrake is a software for batch uniqueization. All the functions necessary for editing are available.

Most affiliates agree that automatic software is inferior to manual editing. Most of the auto-unicalizers are sharpened for batch actions. Manually you work “point by point”, you can experiment with any parameters yourself.

How to check the image for uniqueness?

To check the resulting image for originality, you can use several services: 

  1. Yandex and the option to search by image. Algorithms will process the results, provide a report on where the image was used. 
  2. Google and a similar option to search by picture. To engage it, you need to click on the icon with a camera. When the results appear, it is important to look at the “All Dimensions” button. 

Also, Google, in addition to exact copies, shows similar copies. This could mean that other affiliates have tried to do the same thing with the photo, but their settings and actions are slightly different.

3 Ways to Uniqueize Videos

There are three guaranteed methods for creating unique videos for TikTok. They are relatively reliable methods that do not depend on changes in the social network. However, it’s worth noting that there are no easy ways to uniqueize here. 

The first way is to manually process the video through a video editor. This is, in our opinion, the most reliable method. You can use programs such as Adobe After Effects, Adobe Premiere, Vegas PRO or any other video editor to modify the video in various ways such as:

  • changing the position
  • playback speed
  • adding filters and noise
  • changing the audio track

However, for best results, it is recommended to also use a unicalizer to modify the video metadata. 

The second method includes the use of a self-written script that specifies the order of actions for video uniqueization. Such scripts can be ordered on freelance exchanges or from developers. 

The third method involves gluing two videos into one using a video editor. However, it should be remembered that TikTok records all actions, so this method requires additional processing of the “constituent parts” of the video to achieve uniqueness. 

And another reliable option is to use clips from Instagram* or YouTube and glue them into a new video, and then record the smartphone screen while watching the new video to make it more unique than the original materials.

5 ineffective ways of uniqueization

These are ways that will do almost nothing to uniqueize your video for Tic Toc. It might work a couple times, but it will be more of a survivor’s error.

  1. Use the Green Screen effect

This is one of the easiest ways to uniqueize a video for TT. The idea is that you upload the video to your account, go to the filters tab, choose Green Screen (basically a chroma key effect) – and voila, a unique video is ready.

But we still categorized the method as ineffective. It’s just a background replacement. And in the time since the effect appeared, TikTok has learned to recognize its use on similar videos.

  1. Uniqueization via Telegram bots

There has yet to be a Telegram bot that can guarantee video uniqueness for TikTok. Yes, indeed the hash sum of a video passed through a bot changes.

But most online uniqueizers clean metadata at almost 0. And this causes vague doubts in Tic Toc’s algorithms. And the content remains the same. Invisible elements work only during auto-checking. Any manual moderation – and hello, shadow ban.

  1. Change video extension/size

Changing the extension of images and videos is not a good idea. After all, the main array of metadata does not change, the content of the video remains the same. So don’t waste your time converting videos from mp4 to avi or mkv – it won’t help you make your creative unique.

The same goes for trying to shrink the video. Some people even upload videos to Telegram for this purpose and then download them. And indeed, Telegram compresses the video. But TikTok instantly burned copies of the video

  1. Add individual elements or text

Often, in an attempt to create unique creatives, individual elements are added on them. These are:



Inscriptions and stickers;

Filters and effects;

Invisible elements.

  1. Blindly trust neural networks and online services

Neural networks are on trend right now for uniqueization as well. But for Tic Toc, the method is of little use. A neural network can:

  • Replace the background or elements in the video;
  • Add new elements, including invisible ones;
  • Play with color correction;
  • Distort the image by automatically adding filters and noise;
  • Improve video quality.

It will not replace manual uniqueization in any way, but neural networks are quite useful for creating new creatives. 


The only reliable way to make a video unique to TikTok is to do some manual processing. This requires a serious approach, including working with the video track, layers, and audio. As a last resort, you can use self-written or customized software. Social media algorithms are constantly improving, so methods that worked before are no longer as effective. This pushes content creators to more challenging tasks when creating unique content to publish.

* Meta is recognized as extremist and is banned in the territory of the Russian Federation.


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