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Gambling is one of the most profitable areas of affiliate marketing. Despite the dynamism of this sphere, there are key principles on which all approaches to work are based. Creatives creation is not an exception. These approaches have remained relevant for many years, only slightly changing. In this article, we will consider gambling creatives, as well as the most effective formats for Facebook, TikTok and Push Notifications. 

Finding gambling creatives 

To successfully promote advertising campaigns, it is important to regularly update creatives. Both beginners and experienced affiliates have a question: where to find source materials? We will tell you about the tools and services that webmasters use to update advertising materials. 

For Facebook 

Facebook holds a leading position among the sources of traffic for gambling. Despite the complexities and tightening algorithms, many webmasters continue to use this platform. There are many methods of finding creatives for Facebook, and we will look at the most popular and effective ones. 

Facebook Ads Library 

This is a free resource from Meta that contains a database of ads from the last 5 years. It allows you to search for the right creatives and is not inferior to paid analogs. The main difference is that creatives get into the database immediately after moderation, while in spy-services it takes several days. However, creatives are available in low resolution. Creatives can be searched in different ways: 

  • By keywords 
  • By domain 
  • By filters in a common database 

The easiest way is to search by keywords. Choose a country, category of advertising and enter keywords. A selection of suitable keywords is available in search engines. 

After searching, you can filter the results by several parameters: 

  • Language 
  • Advertiser 
  • Platforms (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) 
  • Media type 
  • Ad Status 
  • Date 

By clicking on an ad, you can get detailed information, including ID, campaign start date and a list of platforms on which it was launched. 

You can also view all creatives launched from a certain Fan Page, which allows you to analyze their dynamics. 

You can also search for creatives by domain in the library. For example, by typing “play.google.com” you can find many creatives related to apps. If the creatives have been spinning for weeks, it indicates that they have been moderated and are probably converting well.

Spy services 

Spy services are designed to analyze and monitor ad campaigns across multiple platforms. While their features are similar to Facebook’s ad library, they offer more search tools. 

Let’s consider using one of the most popular spy services – AdHeart. In AdHeart, you can search for creatives by keywords, domains, and more. Key features include: 

  • Filtering by number of days of activity 
  • Search across multiple domains 
  • Logical expressions to refine your search
  • Button type selection for landing pages 
  • Filtering by date of last activity 

It is recommended to combine parameters for more efficient search. 

For TikTok 

Creatives for TikTok should be emotional and colorful to attract attention from the first seconds. Using creatives from spy services for Facebook will not always be successful as they are often low resolution. 

For TikTok, there are some specialized spy services such as PiPiAds. It allows you to search for creatives based on keywords, advertiser name, domain and video text. The platform is paid, but a trial period is available for $1. 

You can also search for creatives on TikTok and Instagram using gambling-related hashtags such as #slot and #bigwin. Setting up a feed on Instagram is faster, but for TikTok, you need to change your account settings. Instagram has a significant downside – the feed is hard to customize to a specific geo.

For Push 

Creatives for push notifications have a specific structure: a headline, a description and an image. Advertising networks often allow a variety of creatives, which gives you the freedom to choose. Spy.House is a free service for finding creatives for push traffic. 

The main tools for finding creatives are: 

  • Search by keywords and domain 
  • Sorting by novelty and number of impressions 
  • Filtering by number of days of activity 

It is also important to use search engines to expand your search and find new creatives. 

Analysis of gambling creatives 

The formats of creatives depend on the source of traffic. Each platform has its own target audience, and creatives should be tailored to it. TikTok requires emotional creatives, while Facebook requires a more age-appropriate audience. 

For Tier-1 target audiences, it is better to use clickbait creatives that hint at a connection to the casino, as well as direct ads with real casino environments to attract a more targeted audience.

In Tier-3 countries, colorful creatives that promise significant winnings and generous bonuses are effective, as well as using images of girls or famous personalities. Users from these countries have not yet developed strong banner blindness, so even this traditional approach brings good results.

Title: Bônus R$ 5,000 no depósito.
Text: Bônus de R$ 5,000: chance de ganhar no cassino.

The headline of this creative emphasizes the possibility of a no deposit bonus, which significantly increases CTR. The image is bright and colorful and hard to miss. The traffic was directed to Brazil, so a photo of a famous Latin American streamer was used to increase the trust of the audience. 

The video was shot in a lifestyle format, and the cameraman is a friend, so the creative is not perceived as an advertisement. The creo is focused on unobtrusive presentation – as if a friend accidentally captured a lucky win. There are no obvious calls to action in it; high odds and sincere emotions attract users’ attention by themselves. 

In this creative, the focus is on a half-naked girl, which should attract the user’s attention from the first seconds so that he or she will watch the video to the end. The focus then shifts to a man winning a significant amount of money. 

The user’s trust is reinforced by showing the instant receipt of the winnings on the card and displaying the balance in the banking app.


The gambling industry continues to evolve, which entails changes in approaches to creating advertising creatives. It’s important to stay on top of current trends in order to keep up. Fortunately, there are many spy services available today that allow you to track current approaches and formats of creatives. By utilizing these tools, you can always stay one step ahead and identify the most effective strategies. 

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