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At the moment Telegram is one of the most popular social networks. And it is used not only for communication, but also for training, selling goods, orders, transfers, sports betting and 18+ content. The relevance of Telegram is not even a question, because most users spend their time on it.

In the article we will tell you what is traffic in Telegram, for which verticals and GEO the messenger is suitable and how useful it is for affiliates. 

A bit about the messenger

Telegram is a multifunctional messenger founded in 2013 that allows users to exchange messages, photos, video and audio files, and make calls. In 2024, the number of Telegram users is 950 million people. Since the beginning of 2021, the number of users has grown by 65%. Every day 2.5 million new users register on the site. 

The messenger has its own advertising platform Telegram Ads. However, it is not quite suitable for affiliate marketing due to strict manual moderation, high requirements for advertisers and a significant minimum deposit. The main audience of the messenger consists of mature and solvent users over the age of 25. According to TGStat, their interests span technology, investing, news, self-development and entertainment – creating a great foundation to pour on:

  • Betting;
  • Gambling;
  • Sweepstakes;
  • Trading;
  • Crypto;
  • Info Products;
  • Dating.

What about the platform’s GEO?

The largest number of Telegram users is in Asian countries – 38%. This is followed by European countries – 27% and Latin American countries – 21%. In terms of messenger downloads, India is the leader with over 104 million downloads in 2023.

Russia is in second place (34 million downloads), and Indonesia is in third place (27 million).

Ways to get traffic from Telegram

  1. Newsletters. You can send messages to chats, comments and personal correspondence to attract an audience.
  2. Inviting. Create a chat room, fill it with thematic content and invite real users to it.
  3. Seed purchases. Channel administrators sell advertising on their sites – this is an affordable and fast way to pour without working with accounts.

Let’s break it down in order.

Work with accounts

To get conditionally free traffic through mailings and invites, the webmaster will need accounts. They can be created independently or purchased if you need to save time for warming up. In any case, to work with accounts you will need:

  • An Android or iOS smartphone; 
  • A high-quality VPN with servers in the right geolocation; 
  • Numbers for self-registration. 

If you already have Telegram installed on your device, uninstall it and reset the network and app settings. On Android, you can do this in the “System” section of settings, and on iPhone in “Transfer or Reset iPhone”. 

Then enable VPN and download the Telegram app from the official website. Registration is standard: number and confirmation. 

You can add a maximum of three accounts in the application. If the purchased profiles are already warmed up, you can start promoting. Otherwise, you will need to farm them for up to two weeks to increase their lifespan. To do this, fill the accounts and be active in correspondence, chats and channels on your topic. 

Sooner or later, accounts can be blocked; you can find out how long they will be blocked via the official bot. You can also appeal there, but it’s usually fiddly, so it’s quicker and easier to reset your settings, reinstall the app and create new profiles.

Newsletters in Telegram 

To successfully launch mailings, prepare accounts and messages to send. Depending on the direction and method of promotion, choose one of the following approaches: 

  1. Direct approach. This should be a clear offer to familiarize yourself with the offer. 
  2. Native approach. Start with indirect communication, for example, offer to get acquainted on behalf of a girl or ask for an opinion about the course. For this purpose, it’s worth thinking up a chain of messages in advance or processing responses manually. 

If your strategy includes a message chain with a long warm-up period, ask your audience to write to the “main” account. This will help retain potential customers even if the mailing profile is blocked. 

The next steps are similar to the inviting strategy. Use the software from the previous section, collect active users from thematic channels and chat rooms and start a mailing list. You can also send messages in the comments of channels and chats – this will increase the life of the account compared to direct mailings to private messages.

Attracting traffic through invitations to chats 

For successful inviting, a webmaster needs to create and populate a sales chat in Telegram. It is recommended to manage the chat from a separate account and invite users from other profiles.

Start by creating a chat by selecting the appropriate button and defining its topic. Depending on the direction, these chats can be: 

  • With course reviews, sports predictions or raffles;
  • With reports about trading on the stock exchange or earning on other offers;
  • With dating profiles – relevant for dating;
  • With schemes for generating income from online casinos;
  • With news from the cryptocurrency market. 

Upload a cover and come up with a title that reflects the theme and benefits of the chat room. This will help attract the attention of users. The next step is to warm up and prepare the chat room to receive traffic, which will take about a month. The webmaster will have to:

  1. Publish thematic content, including reposts from other channels and product reviews;
  2. Gradually build up the number of participants to 500-1000 and increase chat activity;
  3. Disable the ability for other participants to comment;
  4. By the end of the warm-up, place several posts with a link to the offer and add this link to the chat description. 

When the chat is ready to attract an audience, you can start inviting. Authorize from other accounts and invite users from thematic channels and chat rooms. It is recommended to send no more than 30-50 invitations per day from one profile to extend its life. 

To simplify the process of sending invitations, use specialized programs that have built-in audience parsers, which will allow you to collect active users from comments and regularly update the database of recipients of invites.

Seed advertising in Telegram 

Seed advertising in Telegram means buying advertising placements directly from the owners of channels, chat rooms and bots. This is one of the easiest and fastest ways to attract traffic, but the high cost can make it difficult to pay off. 

For successful implementation of seed advertising, you need to prepare creatives, choose the right channels and coordinate placement with the owner or advertising manager. 

Finding channels can be done: 

  • Manually, using the built-in keyword search;
  • On advertising exchanges;
  • In chat rooms for administrators.

Gather a database of channels with the right topics, volumes and prices. These resources should be checked using analytical services. Insert the link to the channel in the service and evaluate it according to the following criteria: 

  1. Involvement and activity of at least 20%; 
  2. Stable growth of subscribers without sudden jumps and tweaks; 
  3. Presence of reactions and informed comments; 
  4. No overloading of the audience with advertising – the administrator publishes no more than one advertising post per day. 

When the base is ready, contact the administrators through the exchange or directly – contacts can usually be found in the channel description.


Telegram is a promising source for pouring into many GEOs and verticals. Today we have told you how to mine traffic in messenger, and we hope that this information will be useful to you in the process of mastering the source!


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