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When working with any type of advertising it is important to think – “and who is my audience?”. And gambling is no exception. It is commonly believed that the audience of this vertical is only men, with a good level of income. However, this is not quite true. In this article we will understand who these people are, who form the target audience of the gambling vertical, their age, gender, and motivation to gamble, as well as look at the changes in the audience in recent years.

Gambling in the modern world

Nowadays, gambling is a form of entertainment not only for wealthy people and Americans. Gambling is deservedly considered one of the most promising niches in affiliate marketing: about 26% of the world’s inhabitants regularly play in online casinos. Almost 5 billion people have bet at least once in 2023. 

According to the most recent statistics, the mobile gambling market is expected to reach the $250.4 billion mark by 2027, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17.8% between 2020 and 2027. It is accurate to say that in the next few years we will see more and more mobile adaptations of slots and an increase in the number of their users.

Target audience

A big stereotype is that gambling is a male type of entertainment. Of course, in percentage terms, men are more and more likely to gamble, but female users make up a significant part of the gambling audience. The results of British surveys showed that in the period from June to September 2022, 42% of surveyed women played gambling: lotteries, scratch cards and bingo.

The percentage distribution of the target audience by age criterion is: 

  • 18-25 – 10%
  • 25-45 – 70%
  • 45-75 – 20%

The target audience of the gaming vertical is working men and women with average income at the age of 24-45. In other words, they are those who have sufficient earnings to afford casino or poker games. This audience is considered to be quite advanced, interested in social networks, virtual ways of entertainment and online dating.

From the general target audience, two directions can be distinguished: 

  1. People who play in casinos purely for fun: as a rule, they do not play often, they can stop. They are calm about losses and do not play for the last money;
  2. People who seek to earn/win from the casino: people impulsive and gambling, sometimes even addicted.

In each of these groups there are two subgroups: solvent and insolvent. Since for the advertiser is important not the lead but its LTV, the subgroup of insolvent people – not your audience.

The approaches to each group are individual. For example, users of the second group are likely to click on an advertisement with a bonus to the main deposit. While the first group will look at licensed scripts and bonuses will not really interest them.

Women take longer to get involved in gambling than men and they are selective about the types of online games.

Audience Motivation

The main motivation for all potential customers is entertainment and recreation. Many users do not go into the game with their heads, do not spend millions, and certainly not the last money, but only occasionally visit online casino sites. And such users are the majority.

If you divide the audience, among the main reasons for playing at online casinos among men can be identified as follows: curiosity, the desire to experience the thrill, emotions and give themselves a chance to win, game addiction. 

Among women: desire to isolate, forget, escape from reality, suppression of strong emotions, depression, anxiety, stress relief, distraction, calming down. 


So, the main backbone of your audience is people from 25 to 40 years old, who have a regular income and a job. Based on all of the above information and taking into account the GEO (time zone), you can set up the most customized advertising. In 2024, the annual turnover of online gambling is expected to exceed $100 billion. The popularity of the global online gambling market is going up at such a rate that the annual turnover is sure to break the threshold of $107 billion in a year, and all because the audience is increasing and becoming more loyal. Study the audience, country specifics, and trends in the gaming market. We wish you x3 profits and lots of leads!


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