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Search is one of the highest quality types of traffic. The probability that a user will come in and take an action on an offer page through a search engine is very high, as they are already interested in the product. A well-made landing page is not enough to consistently get traffic – it is important that the search engine, with certain keywords, gives a link to your site on the first page. This is where we need SEO-optimization.

In this article we will tell you what is SEO-traffic, types, what are its features, consider the pros and cons of using it.


Let’s start with the definitions of SEO traffic and SEO optimization.

SEO-traffic (organic, search traffic) – these are transitions to the site of live, targeted users, directly from search engines.

SEO-optimization (Search Engine Optimization) – a technology that serves as a promotion of the site in order to get maximum traffic and growth.

The main goal of SEO-optimization is to increase the amount of organic traffic and its monetization. In order for this traffic and transitions to be, the site must get to the top of the output, and this requires competent promotion and optimization. 

The size of the website determines the level of difficulty of optimization. There are several variations of sites depending on the number of pages:

  1. One-page sites

The main difficulty of promotion is that most search engines are reluctant to index sites of this type. One-page sites are good only in cases of promotion as a preland, well, or low-frequency keys.

  1. Sites of several pages

Such sites are trusted by search engines more than landings. Is a popular option in the circles of beginners.

  1. Large multi page sites

Well indexed, easier to recruit an audience and have excellent potential for promotion.

Types of SEO optimization


External optimization in SEO is aimed at increasing the authority of a web page to improve its position in the search engine rankings. Search engines assign each site its own level of authority and weight. When an authoritative site (donor site) places a link to another resource, part of its authority is transferred to this resource. External optimization includes various methods, such as building external links, registration in reference services, partner publications, mentions of the site in the comments of thematic groups, communities and forums.

It is important to choose only high-quality donor sites with high authority to avoid negative impact on the reputation of your site.


Internal optimization includes work to improve the structure, architecture and content of the site, which the webmaster conducts on the resource itself. 

Internal optimization is divided into two processes:

  1. Technical setup
  • Setting up site indexing rules for search engines;
  • Creating a site map;
  • Improving page loading speed;
  • Setting up internal relinking;
  • Setting up redirects from non-existent or previously deleted pages of the site;
  • Working out the structure of the site;
  • Setting up CNC (human-readable URL);
  • Removal of all duplicate pages;
  • Setting up user-friendly site navigation;
  • Creating an adaptive version of the site for gadgets;
  • Registration of the site in Yandex Webmaster and Google Search Console panels.
  1. Preparation for promotion
  • Collection of semantic kernel;
  • Content preparation in accordance with the semantic core;
  • Proper markup of content design tags;
  • Optimization of meta tags on the page;
  • Checking the functionality of all buttons and order forms.

To achieve optimal results from SEO optimization of a website, it is important for a webmaster to be able to combine both approaches and take into account all aspects. Much will depend not only on the search engine and audience, but also on the vertical of the offerer, which the site is designed to promote.

Preparing for SEO optimization requires a careful analysis of the target audience and competitors. It is important to study the optimization methods used by competitors to determine what elements need to be improved, from content format and images to site structure and user experience. 

Analyzing the target audience is similar to preparing an advertising campaign: in order to create the most relevant offer, it is necessary to understand the peculiarities of language, mentality and preferences of users, and culture in general.

Pros and cons of SEO in affiliate marketing


  • Organic traffic;
  • Relatively low cost;

SEO optimization of websites for most verticals requires virtually no investment. If you do it yourself, the costs will only be for the domain and hosting.

  • Increased website authority;

Each new visit increases a site’s authority for search engines, and it doesn’t depend on whether or not a targeted action was taken.

  • Passive income;

This is the big advantage of SEO optimization: once set up, the webmaster’s involvement in the processes tends to be minimal.


  • Competition;

 Media buying teams are always looking for high-frequency queries.

  • Revenue Perspective;

Optimization results can only be evaluated after some time. 

  • Skills;

To work with optimization, you need to have at least basic SEO skills.

  • Unpredictability;

Specifics of SEO in gambling

When choosing SEO as the main source of traffic for iGaming offers, it is important to take into account that it will not be possible to promote “in the open”. Google and Yandex algorithms are particularly sensitive to promotion attempts: their policy prohibits advertising and gambling.

Optimization of the iGaming site is different from others. For such optimization it is worth allocating a real budget, the cost of:

  1. Content preparation. Posts, articles, reviews, tests, etc.
  2. Placement of links. For gambling offers of special importance is external optimization:
  • Outreach links (external links);
  • Crowd-links (links in reviews and comments);
  • Links from social networks to speed up indexing;
  • Cross-links;
  • Mirrors/redirects;
  1. Costs of buying domains, hosting, etc.

Platform specifics

Block sites of illegal online casinos, which make up the bulk of the market, is a standard practice for search engines. The main promotion of gambling offers occurs through hidden sites, which can be conditionally divided into the following categories:

Review sites. The advantage of such a site is the ability to promote several offers at the same time.Creating and optimizing a review site is the best option for webmasters. The structure of such a site is the same: the rating of online casinos and bookmakers, create cards with a detailed description of each company, and add reviews. Do not think that everything is simple. Creating reviews is a complicated process.

Branded sites. Promotion of branded sites occurs at the expense of “mirrors”, where traffic is redirected in case of interest in the game. When choosing this type, the webmaster needs to bypass it as an optimization of the original site.

! When choosing such a site it is worth checking with the affiliate network, whether it accepts SEO-traffic. Sometimes affiliate companies fundamentally refuse to work with SEO, arguing that it loses organic traffic to its own site.

Slot sites. Sites dedicated to one particular slot are most often presented as one-page or sites with a certain number of tabs. Traffic is directed either to the mirror site of the online casino, or the slot interface is duplicated with the help of special utilities within the site.


Choose a domain with a history

The domain should be at least 2 years old or even 5 years old. The link profile should not be filled with spam. The domain should already be listed in relevant business directories. 

Research keywords

Just like any other industry, gambling has its trends.

Improve your page load speed

This is one of the key SEO factors, especially for promoting websites with gambling themes. Even if you’re doing well with the rest of your metrics, you won’t get to the top of the search results if your site’s pages load very slowly. 

Improve meta descriptions

It’s not enough just to get to the first page of the query, you need to make the user go to the page. To do this, you have to work with the description of the site page, which is displayed in the search engine.

It is worth A/B testing and choosing the most effective description. 

Write unique and interesting content

The audience easily recognizes if the author does not understand the topic – the text gives it away. This is a usual spam in the format of a large article. The user will not read such a thing and will close the page, which will be a blow to all SEO indicators. 

The best content is not written “just to be” but for your audience. It’s great if the author is passionate about sports betting and gambling, not just superficially knowledgeable. If in addition such content is backed up with figures and links to research, it will strengthen your credibility in the eyes of your readers. 

Another approach is to showcase user experience in the form of reviews and testimonials. You can implement audience-specific mechanics such as giving away free spins for a published review. 


SEO optimization is a complex process. In 2024, the competition for keyword queries is even more intense. The process requires a lot of effort and time, as results do not appear instantly.

Betting and gambling websites face the same challenges, but also deal with search engine dissatisfaction due to the negative reputation of online gambling. Therefore, SEO optimization for gambling needs to be especially precise and strategic.


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